Your population is composed of unique individuals.

Navigating healthcare, precision medicine, cancer care, and genomics is complex. Genomic Life, a leader in genome management and navigation services, supports initiatives to enhance population health and boost organizational resiliency.

A group of employes with one raising his hand

Health risk uncertainty can impact your organization

Health spending is increasing year-over-year
According to the American Medical Association, healthcare spending in the U.S. rose by 4.1% in 2022.​
There is uncertainty about future cancer expenses
Cancer was identified as the leading driver of healthcare costs by a Business Group on Health survey.
Prescription costs are rising
99% of organizations listed rising drug costs as a significant concern.
Your population isn’t being screening
Roughly half of adults skip at least one common health screening.

To help address these challenges, implementing a preventive-focused health program centered around early detection, personalized care, and proactive screenings is essential. Choose Genomic Life as your trusted genome management and navigation services partner in these efforts. We equip organizations with the tools and insights to improve health outcomes and reduce financial burdens.

Discover how we support various organizations

Two workers working in a retail setting

Enhancing health through genomics & personalized navigation

Our program is a preventive-focused solution for enhancing health that can seamlessly complement existing wellness initiatives. Together, we can leverage the power of genomics, provide essential support, and help promote your employees' well-being.

Ongoing Guidance for Routine Screenings
Genetics can play a significant role in certain health risks of your employees, and early detection is key! Alongside healthy lifestyle choices, genetic screenings, like the ones available with Genomic Life’s program, can help identify potential risks and guide personalized prevention strategies.
Cancer Navigation & Management
Our team provides guidance and assistance, ensuring those facing a cancer diagnosis don't become overwhelmed. Genomic Life’s cancer navigators offer vital guidance, support, and resources every step of the way. They're an invaluable asset for your employees on their journey to healing.
Overcoming Barriers
Our program addresses barriers for those diagnosed with cancer, providing personalized care and support at every stage. At Genomic Life, your employees' well-being is our top priority.
Evidence-Based Interventions
We offer ongoing support, so individuals are aware of evidence-based interventions to speak to their local healthcare providers about, which can lead to more effective and reliable outcomes for an individual’s health