Enhance Member Health with Genomic Life

In today’s competitive health insurance market, prioritizing your members' well-being is essential for managing costs and maintaining member satisfaction.

A happy active woman
A healthcare professional
A professional woman at her desk in a good mood
A caregiver talking care of a woman
A older man caring a young child on his shoulders
A older golf couple walking hand-in-hand

Enhance your health plans with genomic & cancer navigation

Stand out as a health insurer by offering innovative genomics programs and personalized cancer navigation.

The health landscape of your population is constantly evolving with new clinical care guidelines and technological advancements. Opting to incorporate Genomic Life into your offering provides access to our Genomics Marketplace, a resource of top-tier curated genomics solutions designed to help guide your population towards optimal health and longevity.

Knowledge is power.

Proactive knowledge is empowerment!

We are dedicated to advancing member health through genetic screenings and personalized cancer navigation.

Our program provides your members with access to genetic screenings and personalized cancer navigation support. By offering tailored guidance throughout cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, we aim to enhance overall member health.

Many generations of woman enjoying time together
A couple with their two children

Guidance & Navigation

A diagram explaining Genomic Life's process including - Easy Onboarding, Simple Experience, Personalized Consultation, Results That Matter, and Ongoing Engagement & Support
Navigation –
We focus on seamlessly guiding individuals towards informed health decisions by providing access to genomic insights to understand health risks and identify disease early.
Cancer Navigation –
We help individuals diagnosed with cancer access the best care by leveraging scientific advancements to provide personalized medicine based on genetics and guidelines, improving outcomes.
Removing Barriers –
To ease the burden, we provide tailored navigation that removes barriers, ensuring members receive personalized care and support to optimize health outcomes.
Ongoing Support –
We deliver seamless genomic support and regular follow-up, guiding members through their healthcare journey.
Awareness –
We enhance awareness of genetic factors influencing cancer risks, cardiovascular disease, and other actionable diseases, as well as responses to medications and drug interactions, and family planning.
Personal Navigators –
Trained and experienced navigators as well as Board-certified genetic counselors and pharmacists can ensure your members benefit from preventive-focused and continuous health management resources.

Take the First Step

Contact Genomic Life to learn how our services can support your organization in promoting member health and well-being. Let's work together to create a healthy, productive workplace.