Preventive-focused genomic screenings and cancer navigation - Genomic Life Article

Preventive-focused genomic screenings and cancer navigation

A health program focused on prevention, navigation, and actions is invaluable in the current dynamic health landscape. Genomic Life assists you in delivering key preventive-focused genomic screenings and cancer navigation, tailored to foster the health and well-being of your population.

Health Risk Awareness + Personalized Health Insights

We support your population to access the right genetic screenings and personalized navigation at the right time. Our genetic screening tests can help identify hereditary risk for certain inherited cancer syndromes, including hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. These genetic screening tests can also detect the risk for other types of conditions, such as certain cardiovascular diseases and other medically actionable disorders. Additional genetic tests can evaluate how an individual’s genetic profile affects their response to medications and be used to help reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions (called pharmacogenomic testing), as well as a genetic test that can provide an individual (or couple) with valuable information for family planning (called carrier screening).

Cancer Navigation & Management

We provide timely access to genomic-based solutions and expert cancer care resources throughout every stage of cancer—past or present.

Informed Health Decisions & Actionable Steps

Information provided through genetic screenings enhance awareness of genetic factors influencing cancer risks, cardiovascular disease, medication interactions, family planning, and other actionable diseases. This helps empower your population with the knowledge they and their care team can use to make proactive health choices.

Pharmacogenomic Screening

Pharmacogenomic screenings help identify how individuals may respond to certain medications. This enables personalized medication plans, reduces the risk of adverse drug reactions, and can enhance overall treatment efficacy. This is especially true in individuals that take five or more medications (called polypharmacy).

Family Planning

Carrier Screening supports informed decision-making by helping prospective parents assess their risk of transmitting genetic disorders, which may be unknown without a family history. This information helps them to collaborate effectively with their care team on their reproductive options.

Complements Other Benefits & Offerings

Our services complement your existing benefits and offerings, such as medical, prescription, and critical illness plans, by offering personalized insights based on genetic information to help individuals navigate and maximize their health and well-being.

Have you heard that 40% of employees stated that they would feel more loyal to their company if their benefits were tailored to their specific needs (ArmadaCare).

Learn More

Contact Genomic Life for more information about how to elevate your workforce and members with personalized genetic screenings for cancers and medically actionable conditions.

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